I’ve had this goal in mind since I started hiking in 2015. Triple Crown before I’m 40. The Appalachian Trail was a sure thing in 2020. The Pacific Crest Trail was hit and miss last year after dealing with a broken rib and coming into familial obligations. I intended to thru hike the entirety of the Florida trail this year, but I only made it 450 miles due to my family situation. At that point I was mentally preparing to be a house husband for the rest of the year. The Continental Divide Trail wasn’t supposed to happen this year or even next, but my time cleared up yet again, this time for good.
Due to the late start in the season, I’ve chosen to go SoBo. I have accumulated the necessary skills and endurance over the years to be successful. I’ve done enough research to get me started and have solid gear. My disabilities are the wild card in the mix. My back went out on me from working hard on my property and bending over/lifting too much over the past 2 weeks while earning extra cash for the trip. I’ve been recovering for the past week with chiropractic care, exercises and near continuous movement and stretching, but still don’t feel 100% in my back. My biggest challenge will be restraining myself from pushing too hard too often.
Coming into the beginning of middle age and being unable to perform at peak levels has come with its own challenges. I mentally compare myself with the best hikers, bloggers and outdoors people there are. Realizing that I will never be the best in any category has helped me settle down and see that my path is unique and I may yet have something of value to share with my brothers and sisters of the world. My message is this: We each are only blessed with one life. Maximize what you have been gifted with and go strive for your goals. Spread love and positivity. Never stop learning your craft and trying new things! I’ll be flying out of Atlanta and towards the start of my journey on Sunday, June 26th. I will be posting across multiple media platforms including here, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and for the Trek, a popular hiking/blogging website. I will update this website with direct links as they become available.