8/27 - Up at 0500 in the hotel. The AC was ok and kept the room somewhat chilly. Another hiker named Gram stayed on the spare bed. Grabbed a 2nd shower and then headed downstairs at 0600 for coffee and to catch up on some writing. Back upstairs to pack at 0730 and then walk to 24 hour diner. Ordered shitty breakfast (wanna be Waffle House), that takes forever to be served. Multiple people just standing around. Finally done by 0915 and walking the 1.3 miles back to where trail picks up. There’s a choice of dirt road for 55 miles or blacktop for 32. I chose the shorter route and took off down Wy-71/Sage Brush Rd. Hiked 30 miles to a decent water source off the road. There was an A.M water cache, an afternoon busted pipe and a creek that was downhill from the road. Camped by some bushes on top of thorn plants. Laid out an extra floor on my tent to protect my pad. Current mile is 1455.8.
8/28 - Got cold last night and I thought I had a leak for a minute. Rolling by 0645. 2 miles to get back to the red line. Road walking until it transitions to dirt. Take dirt road up to a dilapidated cabin by a pond. Easily reconnect to the trail in 0.4 miles. Move into tree-line and good water. I missed the trees. Push to Battle Pass trailhead for a 26ish mile day. Arrive by 1830 and am passed by 2 cars. Both keep rolling. Try to hitch until dark and give up, pitching tent beside the bathrooms.
Up on the 29th for coffee around 0600. Dude shows up by 0645 and offers a ride to town after he takes care of his business. We have an Interesting conversation about the rise and fall of local animal populations. He drops me in Encampment at the gas station. I buy some resupply food and buy/cook a frozen pizza for breakfast. Drink milk and Arizona tea. Walk to visitors center and get free chapstick and a trail magic peach. FANTASTIC for lunch later. Walk out of town and get an instant ride. Pick up one other hiker and head back to trail. Only spent 2 1/2 hours in town. Charged the battery a little, no shower. I’ll clean up better in Steamboat Springs in a few days. Hike 20 miles to dinner at the Colorado border with other random hikers there. Couscous to eat. Pushed to mile 1479 and camped along a dirt road. Washed feet and trimmed my nails.
I got some of the shittiest water I’ve ever tasted from the border yesterday. The taste reminds me of what I’ve been smelling for weeks, cow shit. Only take sips until I get to a fresh source and re-filter. Rolling by 0530 on the 30th. Make it 15 miles by noon and then slow/chill on the big climb. 28 miles for the day and stopped early to talk to Galaxy. Steamboat by tomorrow night! Currently @ mile 1506.2.
Tried to watch some shows last night, but as usual I passed out and smacked myself in the face with the phone. Slept dry and woke up at 0400. Walking by 0500 and there’s 29 miles to the pass. Make it to Rabbit Ears trailhead by 1700. Walked the additional 1.3 miles to I-40 and contact Norm, a local Vietnam era Army Infantry Veteran who generously gave me a ride to town. Dropped in Steamboat and walk to a random restaurant. Southwest burger, fries, salad, cheesecake and 2 Dunkelweissens. Walk around aimlessly and find Black Sulphur Spring. I climb the random mountain behind the RR tracks to a peak overlooking town. There’s some kids up here smoking and being kids. I backtrack and head downhill at an angle until reaching a flat, concealed spot. Pitch the tent and pass out.
Up and packing by 0600 on Sept 1st.. I find myself in a neighborhood trail area. Could’ve taken an easier way last night had I known. Glad I remained incognito. Walk to a coffee shop and have a nice mocha latte with a crème design on top. Charge my battery some and then walk next door to order a fancy breakfast. Wagyu steak and eggs. End up engaged in conversation with a couple who buy my breakfast before I can. I leave a good tip for the waitress and head out. Head over to a local park by the river and give myself a combat bath and wash my clothes. Walk to x2 dispensaries and then walk to lunch at a sports bar. Norm txt me and comes by the restaurant. He takes me to the gear shop and the grocery store to resupply. Back to his place to reorganize and drink a beer/smoke a bowl. Order a pizza and Norm whisks me back to the trailhead. Eat most of my pizza and chat with other thru hikers (Momma and Moon), before moving .5 miles away from everyone and setting up camp.
Up on the 2nd and moving by 0600. Start the 12 mile road-walk. Finish quickly and stop for lunch. More chill road-walking all day. Lots up elevation gain and poor water sources. Meet 3 local Veterans who are out camping in preparation for the start of bow hunting season for Elk. Trail magic Coors Beer! Push a total of 25 miles to the last water source and stock up. Walk another 2 miles to camp and set up.
Took some Motrin and vitamins last night. Slept well and rolling by 0645 on the 3rd. Pushed to a good water source and rinse socks down stream. Road transitions to single track and follows the ridge. More climbs and descents with a STEEP climb at the end of the day. Park view Lookout stands at 12,296 feet and is my current high point on trail. Cooked dinner in the hut and then headed downhill to mile 1585.7. 24 mile day and an ass kicker.
Days on the trail: 69
Miles completed: 1,585.7
Location: Somewhere around Radial Mountain, Colorado
Zero days: 2