Woke up at 0300 on the 6th having to piss. Town always throws off my sleep, digestion and hydration. Saw Piper, an older thru hiker who was struggling on trail when I passed by a day before. She seems to be doing a little better. Headed over to the restaurant to eat a burrito and some banana bread French toast. Joined by Snickers and one of the UK brothers. Stayed around the hostel with intermittent food and walking breaks. Took a nap and resupplied. Had a good steak dinner around the corner from the hostel at the Timberline Cafe. Downloaded some movies and talked to Galaxy.

Up at 0540 on the 7th. Headed downstairs for some free, shitty coffee. Went back to the Timberline for breakfast and then met Garrett, (Owner of the hotel) who agreed to give me a ride back to trail. Leave by 0830 and hiking by 0915. Road walking then single track. Currently at dinner and 18 miles in. Made it to the pond, mile 860. Hiked a 25 mile day. Dug out a flat site and crashed.
Late start the 8th, moving by 0700. Made it to Yellowstone Park boundary by 1100. Currently at lunch, mile 973. Bagel, cheese, pepperoni, avocado and hot sauce sandwiches for lunch. Will have dinner tonight in Old Faithful Village if all goes well.
1705- made it to Old Faithful Village and missed dinner by 5 minutes. Grabbed a soda and a sandwich before the store closed and that’s better than nothing. Hiked past beautiful thermal pools and geysers enroute to my unofficial night stop at upper firehole campground. 31 miles for the day and I’m too tired to push another 9 to my actual site. Long day and I’m drinking my consolation beer.
Woke up the 9th to the owners of the site looking at me. They ended up being other thru hikers and didn’t care I crashed their party. Rolling by 0650 with coffee and oatmeal. 20 mile push to get to Grant Village and a few campground. There was one interesting section off the beaten tourist trail that also contained geysers and thermal pools. Passed a thousand miles today and made it to heart lake trailhead by 1445. Got a hitch in 10 minutes and was dropped at Grant village general store. Ate a hot dog, bbq sandwich, chips, 2 Pepsis and a milk. Walked to register for a campsite and then back to the laundry/shower area to take care of business. Walked back to site 408 (hiker/biker site) and set up. Planning on a breakfast buffet and then a hitch back to trail.
Woke up the 10th after not sleeping well. I think it’s a combination of only walking 20 miles and the bright light coming into my tent from the bathrooms. Packed up and headed to a mediocre breakfast buffet. Reminiscent of the Army, there were boil in a bag eggs and cardboard bacon. At least it’s calories. Left the diner and hiked to the road. Picked up by a French lady in 10 minutes and she dropped me at the trailhead by 0900. Flat sections interspersed with small hills, harder than expected for the day. Lots of water including some thermal sources/hot springs. Too hot to soak though. 25 mile day and should be in Dubois, Wyoming soon. After that is Pinedale and my new shoes and sun hoodie.
Up and rolling early on the 11th in an attempt to get to town at a decent hour. Rained from 0300 - 0530. I was soaked as soon as I began moving and had to bushwhack through very dense and tall growth. Miserable 2 hours or so. The map was wrong and dropped me into a barely navigable valley. Met a thru-hiker from Denmark named Wrecking ball. 31 mile day and still 19 to get to Dubois.
No breakfast or coffee this morning. Just straight hiking with two 10 minute breaks. Made it to the blue line (Old CDT) and the trailhead to town by 1400. A 20 mile day and am currently at the laundromat. Already resupplied, showered and got a room at the Black Bear Inn. Quaint little town with excellent food. On par with Helena, Montana.
Days on the trail: 47
Miles completed: Somewhere around 1100
Location: Dubois, WY
Zero days: 2