July 22nd- Woke up at the RV campground at 0500. It was damp and there were too many people packed into a tiny area behind the bath house. Made coffee and then headed over to breakfast at the restaurant. Charged my battery and headlamp, blogged for FB, Instagram and my site. Repacked and tried to hitch at 1220. Ended up catching a ride with Ira just 4 miles up road. Got dropped at an intersection and re hitched within an hour. Tree boy and his hitch picked us up. Rode in the bed for a half hour back to trail. Gave the driver a bud after he said he had prostate cancer. Started from the trailhead at 1345. Only made it 12 miles up trail with many steep/long climbs. Camped at mile 629 in a burn area. Kinda sketch but it will work. I found the best “clearing” I could. *Snickers found my pipe that I lost at the RV campground.

July 23rd- Currently at mile 655. Up and moving by 0650. Very smoky from fires nearby. Lot of steep climbs today. One was 2,800 feet. ASSKICKER. Walked through a lot of hot, exposed burn areas. At least water has been plentiful. I’m just about out of electrolytes and I can feel a difference in my performance. The skin on my thumb joints is cracking and bleeding and I’ve had to wear duck tape daily. Camped by Slag-a-Melt lake. 25 mile day.
July 24th- More switchbacky, long climbs. Tons of mosquitoes. Over two passes today and water was plentiful. Passed a 2nd large group of SOBOS. I’m the middle of the bubble now for sure. Camped at a good spot that’s flat and with LTE service. 27.7 miles for the day.
July 25th- 0640 start. Slow day due to more BIG climbs. Only made 9 miles by 1130. In the middle of a 19 mile dry carry as well. Broke it up with a detour at 11 miles to a road with a nasty looking creek. Coffee and a quick lunch in the shade. More steep dirt road walking. 26.2 mile day and passed 700 miles.

July 26th- Up and moving by 0600.3 miles to Sacajawea spring. Walked 1/4 mile off trail to fill my bottles and eat breakfast. Snickers showed up and then we hiked part of the day in vicinity, bouncing from spring to spring. Somehow I got turned around for about 1/2 a mile in the later afternoon. Such beautiful scenery. Every day is another scenic masterpiece. Stopped at 2130 after a 28 mile day.
July 27th- No breakfast and minimal water. Pushed the 2 miles to the trailhead at Bannock Pass. Waited for over two hours with Snickers for a hitch but no luck. Walked about 2 miles on the road when a Dodge Ram full of hikers returning to trail passed and the stopped on the way back with another group. I jumped in back and rode the 13 miles to town. Straight to store for pizza, hotdog and a Cinnabon. Then get resupply box, another meal and pre-ordered a pizza for 1900/dinner. Walked to campground, shower and laundry in sink, met some NOBOS. Walked back and forth for pizza and crashed around 1000.

July 28th- up at 0545. Coffee and blogging for the Trek. Took 2 hours. Made FB and Insta posts as well. Packed up and moved to the restaurant for breakfast. Charged my battery some more and scarfed down an omelette. Walked back to the Stage Coach store to wait for a ride back to trail. Walked around asking everyone until I got myself and 6 others a ride back to trail. Gave $ to driver and started from the pass at 1400. Stopped for a safety meeting at only 7 miles and then continued on. Stopped for the night at 2300 with 17.45 miles completed. Made a new high point at Elk Mountain, elevation 10,177 feet.
July 29th - Had to move around a good deal of rocks last night to get comfortable, but when I did I slept very well. Experienced the best sunrise on trail yet. Coffee and super oats for breakfast. Hard day today with over 6k elevation gain and another 6k loss. Spent the day going up and down mountains and running from a thunderstorm. Ended up getting rained on for 2 hours. Snickers found me at lunch and his pack was falling off of him due to rips in the straps. I lent my needle and he conducted field repairs. I doctored my infected cut and pushed on to Harkness Lakes, miles 780.2. Made it 24.2 miles.
July 30th- I’ve been eating more and it’s caused my bathroom times to become erratic. Fun times. Took the alternate from Harkness to Deadman lake where there was cold, blessed water. Climbed up to an abandoned mining operation and scored some cell service. Also located a vertical cave shaft filled with animal bones. Interesting stuff. ** note to self- don’t lean on fiberglass water troughs… bad stuff going all over my back and left sleeve for 2 days as a result **. Made a 31 mile day and am exhausted.

July 31st- up and moving late by 0700. Town is 30.5 miles away. Dirt road walking to a high section where you follow a spine for miles up to a ridge and elevation. Super hot with intermittent clouds. The trail is pockmarked and hard to remain stable upon. Stayed above the treeline for 9 + miles. Water was available halfway down a steep side trail. Hardest day for me so far. Dropped off the ridge after dinner and camped on the dirt road. 23 miles for the day and 7 or so miles to Interstate 15.

August 1st - hiked into Lima, MT for my resupply box from Galaxy among other things.. cooked steaks for a few hikers and slept relatively well in the room at Mountain View Motel.

Days on the trail: 36
Miles completed: 841.5
Location: Lima, MT
Zero days: 1