July 7th saw me up at 0430. Sleeping inside a stuffy motel room with a broken AC is no bueno for my beauty rest. Took an additional shower and chowed down on a tasty omelette with hash browns. After another last minute store trip, I joined forces with 4 other thru hikers to get back to trail. We hired Frank, who has been advertised in the guides, and he is a great guy! He swung by Benchmark Wilderness Ranch for me so I could grab my resupply package. I quickly repacked my food enroute to the trailhead so I could resume my hike. Frank tried to drop me off at the next trailhead, but I would have missed steps connecting my journey. Other thru hikers didn’t seem to mind missing the 2 miles and jumped out. After explaining to him my reasons, He took me and an Aussie back to the correct drop point, and I continued South @ 1300. It was a SHIT hike to Elbow Pass, with about 400 blowdowns, a lot of PUDS, no wind and direct sun. I later found that others took a Ley alternate. After pitching camp, it stormed and hailed. A mother and baby moose trudged right past me in the river. I slept ok after the storm passed and after I reset the height of my tent.
Got moving on the 8th at 0645. Pushed 27.75 miles and would have gone further but a lightning storm found me up ridge walking above 8k. I decided to run straight down the mountain, switch backs be damned, to the relative perceived safety of the lower ground. The other CDT folk stopped 4 miles back in an open field.
Up and moving by 0645 on the 9th. I had to set up camp in the rain last night and it continued for hours. All my gear was wet this A.M. Headed back above 8,000 and was exposed all day. Had to do an actual water carry from the lake @ 12 miles. Made it to the spring and had a late lunch/drying party. Pushed an additional few miles and lucked upon a yurt. Within 30 minutes of arrival, more storms rolled through, continuing throughout the night. Other hikers arrived during the storm and it became a full house. I was set up on a cot next to the door and slept poorly. I’m a rotisserie sleeper and always think I’m making too much noise. This is why I prefer camping alone.

The 10th saw me up at 0430 and pulling my gear out of the yurt so I could pack outside and not disturb folks. Rolling with no coffee by 0500. Beautiful sunrise action. Another day of high divide walking. Very exposed, windy and hot. Pushed 28.4 miles to reach the outfitters by 1930 (where I camped) at mile 314.6. Bad ass gear shop, but alas, no decent food. Had to settle for Backpackers Pantry meals (which DESTROY my stomach)
Woke up on the 11th feeling decent. Made coffee and went back to the gear shop at 0700 when it opened. Bought 2 days of hiker food and a new Fanny pack. The one I got that said it was designed to last a thru hike, started breaking down after 200 miles. No bueno in my world. Left the outfitter by 0900. More bubble gut from weird food and dehydration. Walking through huge pastures and meadows. Pushed 20 miles to the cow pasture spring and set up camp.
Up on the 12th and rolling by 0530. 7 + miles of road walking followed by blowdowns and then more gorgeous views. The heat came on, and I dealt with more stomach cramps. Sipped the last of my water and walked dry for a mile before coming to the last hill before the gap and town. On the way down I hit clear, wet goodness. Had to bypass the construction crew that was working the road. Apparently there’s about to be a CDT closure that will affect future hikers. Made the 24 miles to MacDonald pass by 1500 and was scooped up by a pre-arranged ride. Tom took me to Helena, Montana, where I’m currently posted up. Had a great late lunch, visited a dispensary, and walked to my home for the night. Laundry, dishes, shower, pizza and blogging filled my evening.

Days on the trail: 16
Miles completed: 357
Location: Helena, MT https://goo.gl/maps/mnR8WQt7QpTrcfor8
Zero days: 0